If you want to clean up TEMP files and folders automatically, then this article has everything you want. There are already lots of methods available to clean up the unnecessary files that are piling up in your Windows systems.īut doing this cleanup process every time can make you irritated and also need your precious time.

So, it is important to delete the recycle bin folder’s data and unwanted temporary files from Windows 10 system to clean the hard drive. It is not only about performance but it can also trigger several other system issues like app confliction, DLL errors, and more. This temp folder can be cleaned up using the below command.It is always suggested to delete all the temp files because if you ignore this situation, then it can eventually reduce the performance of your computer.

The environment variable temp stores the path of this directory. This is located in C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp. Suppose you view a pdf file online in the browser, then the file is actually stored in this temp folder. There is another temp folder where temporary files are kept. So deletion of temp files can also be done using this environment variable del %TEMP%\* forfiles /P %TEMP%\* /C "cmd /c if rmdir /S /Q XP rmdir /s /q "%userprofile%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files" del %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp\* forfiles /P %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp\ /C "cmd /c if rmdir /S /Q can also verify that the environment variables TEMP or TMP points to this folder. This cache can be deleted with the below commands. On Windows 7 there’s another folder AppData\Local\Temp which keeps temporary files created by various applications run on the system.